Mar 01, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.

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Department of Engineering Technology

Department Chair: George Comber
Location: Engineering Technology Building, Room 214
Telephone Contact: Wendi Birch 801-626-6305
Professors: Mark Baugh, George Comber, Kelly Harward, Daniel Magda, Rick Orr, Kerry Tobin; Associate Professors: Dustin Birch, Julanne McCulley, Megumi Usui, Glen West; Assistant Professors: Mary Foss, Spencer Petersen, David Wetzel; Instructors: Taylor Foss, Samuel Hunter, Randall Kent, Justin Knighton, Jeffry Strahan

Engineering technology education focuses primarily on the applied aspects of science and engineering aimed at preparing graduates for practice in that portion of the technological spectrum closest to product improvement, industrial processes, and operational functions. The engineering technology programs at Weber State prepare individuals for a wide variety of positions in technology based business and industries. The study of engineering technology requires a knowledge of mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles in combination with a strong applications-orientation in support of engineering activities. The College of Engineering, Applied Science & Technology offers AAS and BS degrees in the following engineering technology programs:

  • Electronics Engineering Technology
  • Manufacturing Engineering Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Product Design and Development: An Engineering Technology

The BS degrees in these programs are accredited by the Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Location: Engineering Technology Building, Room 214
Telephone Contact: Wendi Birch 801-626-6305

The Weber State Manufacturing Engineering Technology program has been recognized as one of the outstanding manufacturing technology programs in the country. Students may choose among three emphasis areas within the Manufacturing Engineering Technology Program; Production Operations and Control, Welding, or Plastics and Composites. The Production Operations and Control emphasis area is designed to prepare the student for professional employment in industry by giving them fundamental knowledge and skills in a broad range of manufacturing disciplines and processes. These include process planning, tool and machine design, material selection and treatment, process automation, manufacturing resource planning, Six Sigma methods and tools in manufacturing, and lean manufacturing. State-of-the-art laboratories give the students hands-on experiences with CNC machine tools, robotics, programmable logic controllers, systems integration and the latest in a variety of CAD/ CAM systems. Year-long required senior projects have included satellites, hybrid electric vehicles and computer integrated manufacturing cells and others which help students gain confidence in their abilities while gaining additional insight and skills in both teamwork and human relations.

The Manufacturing Engineering Technology Welding Emphasis is designed to produce welding engineering technology graduates that are involved in the concept, design, engineering, and metallurgy of weldments and implementation of welding processes in any manufacturing or technical industry. The program has six main areas of study: welding and manufacturing, design and structural, metallurgical, quality assurance, electrical, and management. The courses are designed to give students, the background to solve welding related issues in a variety of industry settings. Students will learn how to set up welding quality systems with procedures and qualifications. Most of the classes have labs where students receive hands on training to complement the classroom instruction. Students complete a senior project with a team that brings together their experience and education.

The Manufacturing Engineering Technology Plastics and Composite Emphasis is designed to prepare the student for professional employment in the plastic/composite industry. Students will learn firsthand about the complex interdependence between plastic/composite process, materials, tooling, and part design. The design portion of the emphasis will provide the knowledge and skills required to fulfill a number of career roles that focus on the product development process, which includes plastic part design. Another phase of this education delves into the differences between the many types of plastics as well as the properties which differentiate plastics from other materials. This emphasis will also expose the students to a wide variety of tooling from the many plastic disciplines. This includes injection, thermoforming, blow molding, extrusion dies and high/low tech composite molds. This exposure provides the students with a keen understanding of the function, construction, and multi-component interactions involved in well-constructed plastics tooling.

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Location: Engineering Technology Building, Room 214
Telephone Contact: Wendi Birch 801-626-6305

Mechanical engineering technology is the practical application of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering technologists play an integral role in product design and manufacturing process cycles which include planning, design, analysis, testing and documentation. They utilize skills in materials science, engineering mechanics, thermal science, design, instrumentation and technical writing.

The curriculum includes problem-solving courses such as statics, strength of materials, dynamics, machine design, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer that are based on engineering science and mathematics. Integrated into many of the courses are laboratory and project oriented experiences that teach the practical, hands-on aspects of mechanical engineering technology. A balanced blend of engineering science and practical applications provides the mechanical engineering technologist the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in today’s technical workplace. Mechanical engineering technology has led to numerous opportunities for exciting, creative and rewarding careers in a wide range of industries including aerospace, automotive, electronics, manufacturing, medical equipment, mining and power generation.


Any coursework proposed as transfer credit, not currently covered by in-place articulation agreements, are subject to the requirements noted below.  No deviation to this policy will be allowed without written consent of the program coordinator and department chair.


The institution where the coursework was, or is, going to be completed must be a recognized institution of higher learning.  It must also be accredited by at least one of the following:

  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
  • Western Associations of Schools and Colleges
  • Middle States Commission on Higher Education (formerly part of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools)
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
  • New England Association of Schools and Colleges
  • Higher Learning Commission (formerly part of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools)
  • Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (formerly part of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges)

If the course being proposed for transfer credit was completed at a 4-year institution, and is potentially being applied to MET core course requirements, including technical electives, the institution must also have one of the following accreditations, in addition to the ones noted above:

  • ETAC/ABET (Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission)
  • EAC/ABET (Engineering Accreditation Commission)


Any proposed transfer course must have equal or greater credit hours than the course being proposed for replacement.  Two or more courses may be used when transferring credit for a single class.  For example, a 3 credit hour course in Statics and 3 credit hour course in Strength of Materials could be substituted for the 5 credit hours Weber State University course in Statics & Strength of Materials.

No course will be considered for transfer credit fulfilling major requirements unless a final grade of C or better is achieved.  A grade of C- or below will not be considered for transfer credit under any circumstances.


While currently enrolled at Weber State University in the MET program, any online or distance learning coursework taken simultaneously, at a different institution, will be considered for transfer credit provided the following conditions are met:

  • The institution is accredited per the guidelines above.
  • The exams are independently proctored at an approved testing location.  Preferably, the exams are administered at a Weber State University testing center.
  • The name, title, address, phone, and e-mail address of the responsible exam proctor are provided.
  • A complete course syllabus for the semester attended is provided for review.


No transfer credit (including internal substitutions from existing Weber State University coursework) will be considered for the courses listed below.  The courses that must be completed at Weber State University as designated within the MET program are as follows:

  • MET 4990 (Senior Seminar)
  • MET 4500/4510 (Senior Project I & II)
  • MET 4650 (Thermal Science)
  • MET 4200 (Mechanical Design with FEA)
  • MET 3700 (Testing & Failure Analysis)
  • MET 3500 (Mechanical Measurements & Instrumentation)
  • MET 3400 (Machine Design)
  • MET 3300 (Computer Programming Applications in MET)
  • MET 3150 (Engineering Technology Materials)
  • MET 3050 (Dynamics)


A total of 3 credit hours of lower division (2000 level) technical elective credit will be allowed to be transfer credit.  All other required technical elective credit must be completed at Weber State University.


Any student requesting consideration of coursework accomplished at another institution of higher learning (including AP, Early College, etc.), but not accepted via the standard articulation agreements, must fill out, and submit to the program coordinator, the standard Transfer Credit Petition form.  This form is available at the Engineering Technology offices.  It is also available online at the program webpage.

The petition must be completed, conforming to the instructions attached to the petition forms.  If the instructions are not completely followed, no consideration to the transfer credit request will be granted.

An example of a completed petition is available for review in the ET Department offices or online at the program webpage.


If, for any reason, an acceptable level of subject mastery is suspected to be insufficient for a proposed transfer course, a challenge exam can be requested of the student.  The exam will be unique and prepared for this instance by the program coordinator or his/her designated authority.  If the student does not pass the exam based on the criteria established by the program coordinator, or he/she refuses to take the exam, no consideration will be given for transfer credit of the course in question.


If requested transfer credit meets the requirements of this policy, as evaluated by the individual program coordinator, advisor, or department chair, credit for the requested course, or courses, may be approved.  If for any reason, it appears, based on the judgement of the program coordinator, advisor, or department chair, that the proposed transfer course does not sufficiently meet the requirements for substitution for an ET course, the request will be denied, and credit will not be granted.


After a complete evaluation of the transfer credit petition, the reviewer will enter a note into the requestee’s Cattracks noting the decision regarding transfer credit either being accepted or declined.  For any course accepted as a reasonable substitute, Cattracks will be updated accordingly, granting credit.

Product Design and Development: An Engineering Technology

Location: Engineering Technology Building, Room 214
Telephone Contact: Wendi Birch 801-626-6305

The Product Design and Development program prepares students to develop product design and development drawings.  3D models, reports, presentations, technical illustrations, interactive multimedia, and animations for industry. Students will develop their graphical skills, techniques, concepts, and management skills through exercises and projects. They will work in mechanical, electrical, and structural disciplines. Students will use calculators, computers, handbooks, and engineering reference materials while applying various mathematical concepts from geometry, algebra, and trigonometry.

Design Engineering Technology

This major has been renamed Product Design and Development: An Engineering Technology (BS) .

Electronics Engineering Technology

Location: Engineering Technology Building, Room 214
Telephone Contact: Wendi Birch 801-626-6305

The Electronics Engineering Technology AAS degree prepares graduates to specify, install, operate, troubleshoot, and modify computers, automated programmable controllers, and electronic systems. It is designed to give the student fundamental knowledge and basic skills in robotics, automation, electronic manufacturing, fabrication, testing, and troubleshooting.

The Electronics Engineering Technology Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is designed to continue a student’s education beyond the associate’s degree level. It is intended to provide the student with knowledge and skills in problem solving, critical thinking, project management, team building, and engineering research to identify, evaluate, analyze, and solve complex computer and electronic related technical problems.

Supply Chain Management Minor for Engineering Technology Students

Engineering technologists become even more valuable in the workplace by learning the knowledge and skills of supply chain management (SCM).  A minor program in supply chain management is offered by the Goddard School of Business and Economics for students in Engineering Technology programs.  For program prerequisites, requirements and other details, please refer to the listing in the John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics  section of the university catalog.


Engineering Technology Courses  


    Associate of Applied ScienceInstitutional CertificateBachelor of ScienceEmphasis Option for Bachelor of Integrated Studies

       BIS emphases are also offered for most programs with a minor.

    MinorHonors, DepartmentalGraduate Certificate