COMPOSITION (EN) 3 credit hours
Complete ENGL 2010 EN - Intermediate College Writing (3) and earn a “C” grade or better.
Entrance into ENGL 2010 requires one of the following: Passing ENGL 1010 with a grade of “C” or better, passing the AP Language and Composition or Literature and Composition examination with a score of 3 or better, achieving an ACT English and Reading score of 29 or better, a CLEP with essay test with a score of 50 or better, or an articulated transfer credit from another regionally accredited college or university.
Select one of the following options and earn a “C” grade or better:
To enroll in MATH 1030 , 1040 , 1050 , 1080 , or 2020 you must have either earned an ACT Math score of 23 or higher, completed MATH 1010 with a “C” grade or better, or earned an appropriate Accuplacer score.
If you earned a “C” grade or better in PHIL 2200 between Spring 2007 and Spring 2013 and you are declared in a catalog year between Spring 2007 and Spring 2013, your QL requirement is also met. Some departments may not accept PHIL 2200 toward program requirements.
Math Placement
Effective Date: March 31, 2017
Rubric - High School GPA and Math ACT
Your initial math placement level is based on your Math ACT score or a weighted rubric of your high school GPA and Math ACT scores (if you took the SAT, your scores will be converted to an equivalent score). If you do not have a high school GPA and Math ACT you should take a placement test. (You may enroll in MATH 0950 Pre-algebra without a placement score.) You may also challenge your initial placement by taking a placement test. Check with your college advisor before enrolling in your first math course to ensure you register for the course most appropriate for your major. Many programs require you to take a specific Quantitative Literacy (QL) course to satisfy major requirements.
Placement Tests
Weber State offers a choice of several placements tests for students who do not have math placement or would like to challenge their initial placement. Fees and administration of the placement tests vary. See the Testing Center website for more information.
- ALEKS ( (Assessment and LEarning in Knowledge Spaces) is an online math learning system that uses adaptive questioning to quickly and accurately provide you with a course placement as well as a comprehensive overview of your strengths and weaknesses. ALEKS is in pilot phase and is subject to change; however, all placement will be honored should cut scores change. The ALEKS Placement Test fee includes access to review modules, practice tests, and limited test retakes for a 6 month period of time.
- ACCUPLACER ( is a placement test used at over 1,500 institutions. ACCUPLACER uses adaptive technology to tailor the test to your skill level by increasing or decreasing the question difficulty based on your responses to previous questions. You may take ACCUPLACER up to 2 times within a 12 month period.
- The Residual ACT ( is the same as the National ACT but is limited to students who will be attending WSU as score reports cannot be sent to other universities. Allotted testing time between Residual ACT testing is 60 days.
Wondering which exam to take?
- If you expect to place into MATH 1030 or higher, you can choose between ALEKS, ACCUPLACER, or the Residual ACT.
- If you expect to place into MATH 1010 or lower, take ALEKS.
Level | WSU Course Placement | Placement Criterion |
Rubric | ALEKS | Math ACT | Math ACCUPLACER |
0 | No current placement | No scores; see your academic advisor for options |
1 | MATH 0950 | 0.0 - 19.9 | 0 - 13 | – | – |
2 | MATH 0970 or MATH 0990 | 20.0 - 21.9 | 14 - 29 | – | – |
3 | MATH 1010 | 22.0 - 23.2 | 30 - 45 | 21 or higher | – |
4 | MATH 1030 (QL) or MATH 1040 (QL) or MATH 2010 | – | 46 - 100 | 21 or higher | CLM 20 - 49 |
5 | MATH 1050 (QL) | – | 55 - 100 | 23 or higher | CLM 50 - 69 |
MATH 1060 | – | 55 - 100 | 23 or higher | CLM 50 - 69 |
MATH 1080 (QL) | – | 55 - 100 | 23 or higher | CLM 50 - 69 |
6 | QL requirement satisfied | – | 65 - 100 | 26 or higher | CLM 70 or higher |
MATH 1210 | – | 78 - 100 | – | CLM 90 or higher |
Placement Expiration
Be aware that your placement can expire if you do not begin your math course within a certain period of time (see below). Enroll in math within your first year to avoid expiration and potential delays in your graduation.
Placement Scores that Expire after 24 Months
- ALEKS scores
- Math ACT scores for placement into MATH 1030, 1040, 1050, 1080, or 2010 (after 24 months you can enroll in MATH 1010 or take a placement test)
Placement Scores that Do Not Expire
- Rubric scores for MATH 0950-MATH 1010
- Math ACT score for placement into MATH 1010
- Any placement score that satisfies the Quantitative Literacy (QL) requirement (Note: While these scores will always satisfy the QL requirement, the score will expire as a prerequisite for higher-level math courses after 24 months)
Placement and Completing your Quantitative Literacy (QL) Requirement
Your placement indicates where you need to begin in one of the following Math sequences to fulfill your QL requirement. Check with your college advisor if you are not sure which sequence and/or QL course is most appropriate for your major.
- MATH 0950 → MATH 0990 → MATH 1010 → any MATH QL course or
- MATH 0950 → MATH 0970 → MATH 1010 → any MATH QL course or
- MATH 0950 → MATH 0970 → MATH 1030 or 1040
- MATH 0950 → MATH 0990 → MATH 1010 → MATH 2010 → MATH 2015 → MATH 2020 (for elementary education majors) or
- MATH 0950 → MATH 0970 → MATH 2010 → MATH 2015 → MATH 2020 (for elementary education majors)
Once you pass a prerequisite math course, the course is valid for 24 months before it expires as a prerequisite. Some math courses are offered in several formats. Visit the Developmental Math website for more information about selecting the best format for your major and learning style.
To satisfy the QL requirement you must complete one of the following:
- Earn a “C” or better in MATH 1030, 1040, 1050, 1080, 2020 or
- Earn a “C” or better in any math course for which either MATH 1050 or 1080 is a prerequisite or
- Score 3 or higher on AP Calculus exam or
- Score 3 or higher on AP Statistics exam or
- Score 70 or higher on ACCUPLACER College Level Math (CLM) or
- Score of 26 or higher on Math ACT or
- Score of 65 or higher on ALEKS
Questions about Placement?
English Placement
Last Updated Date: October 24, 2016
Effective Date: March 31, 2017
Your English placement is based on your ACT or ACCUPLACER scores (if you took the SAT, your scores will be converted to an equivalent score). If you did not take the ACT, you should take the Reading Comprehension and Sentence Skills ACCUPLACER tests to obtain your placement. Non-native English speakers should contact the Learning English for Academic Purposes (LEAP) Program (801-626-6028) for placement testing.
Level | WSU Course Placement | Placement Criterion |
ACT English (E) & Reading (R) | ACCCUPLACER Sentence Skills (SS) & Reading Comprehension (RC) |
0 | No current placement | No scores; see your academic advisor for options |
1 | ENGL 0900 | 12 or lower in either E or R | 39 or lower in either SS or RC |
2 | ENGL 0955 | 13 - 16 in either E or R | 40 - 89 in either SS or RC |
3 | ENGL 1010 | 17 or higher in both E and R | 90 or higher in both SS or RC |
4 | ENGL 2010 | 29 or higher in both E and R | – |
5 | Composition requirement satisfied | – | – |
Placement Test
Weber State offers ACCUPLACER for students who do not have English placement or would like to challenge their initial placement. ACCUPLACER is a placement test used at over 1,500 institutions. ACCUPLACER uses adaptive technology to tailor the test to your skill level by increasing or decreasing the question difficulty based on your responses to previous questions. You may take ACCUPLACER up to 2 times within a 12 month period. See the Testing Center website for fee and test administration information.
Placement Expiration
ACT and ACCUPLACER scores expire after 24 months for English placement.
Placement and Completing your Composition Requirement
Your placement indicates where you need to begin in one of the following English sequences to fulfill your Composition requirement.
- ENGL 0900 → ENGL 0955 → ENGL 1010 → ENGL 2010 or
- ESL courses → ENGL 1010 → ENGL 2010 (for non-native English speakers)
To satisfy your Composition requirement, you must earn a “C” or better in ENGL 2010. Some Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees only require successful completion of ENGL 1010.
Questions about Placement?
Contact the English Department (801-626-6251) with questions regarding English course placement.